ROFA AG in Kolbermoor is the parent company of the ROFA Group. Over the decades, we have transformed ourselves from a medium-sized company into a globally active group. And at the same time we have remained true to our high quality standards and our partnership-based approach. As a general contractor, we develop and realize turnkey production plants from a single source for customers all over the world. We can work independently or in association with companies from the group to successfully lead each project to its goal. In competitive environments where there is a great deal of pressure to be innovative, we can demonstrate speed and flexibility, allowing you to remain one decisive step ahead in your market!
ROFA-LEHMER Förderanlagen GmbH has been a member of the ROFA Group since 2006 and is based in the Upper Palatinate (Oberpfalz) region of Germany. Our main focus is on materials handling and conveyor technology for the automotive and commercial vehicle sectors. This is where we can offer our customers a mature portfolio of products and services, a broad range of technologies and numerous ways to customize our systems. As a general contractor, we take care of the entire process, from initial consultation right through to the services after commissioning. With our many years of experience, we also lead your project to success in its entirety. In doing so and in respect of efficiency, process quality and scalability for future challenges we always focus on the best possible solution for you.
MOLL Automatisierung GmbH in Leiblfing, Bavaria, is distinguished by its many years of mechanical engineering competence. Where once workshops, handicraft and agricultural businesses would come into play and depart, we now develop innovative, highly complex conveyor and automation solutions for industry, with a clear focus on the automotive sector. The synergies is where we come alive with the ROFA Group, providing convincing, customized solutions, which we are able to realize thanks to our unique machinery and associated vertical range of manufacture. With our successful contract manufacturing model, we offer our customers the option of lean production, thus saving them having to make costly investments.
BSS Bohnenberg GmbH is based in the economically strong region of North Rhine-Westphalia, but active throughout Europe. We have stood for intralogistics in top form for several decades. As a general contractor, we plan, construct or modernize automatic logistics systems such as high-bay warehouses, small parts warehouses, sorting systems, order-picking systems or even complete logistics and distribution centers for industry and trade customers. Where the variety of goods is constantly on the increase and expectations in terms of speed and availability are constantly rising, our flexible, intelligent solutions provide the basis for higher throughputs and optimum space utilization – and thereby for high profitability and efficiency.
MLR System GmbH is the specialist for automated transport systems (AGV).
Wherever it is necessary to efficiently plan and implement the transport of goods from A to B, we are the competent partner. We act holistically and responsibly, are familiar with the requirements in our core industries and, on request, also develop special transport solutions that are precisely adapted to the customer’s requirements and the goods being transported. Together with our partners from the ROFA Group, we stand for a perfect workflow and maximization of productivity with highly efficient use of resources.
Dynamic Logistic Systems B.V. (Doetinchem, Netherlands), founded in 1999, is one of the top suppliers for internal material flow on the European market. Highly automated picking solutions, individual order picking and smart transport systems are among our particular strengths. With our efficient, flexible systems we help our customers, from various industries, to meet the ever increasing demands of the market environment. We flourished with the introduction of the Order Release Module (ORM), a smart, extremely fast combination of buffer solution and sorting system.
ROFA NOWA Tervezö Kft., based in Nyíregyháza (Hungary), has a team of highly qualified engineers and experienced designers, who work for the ROFA Group. Our focus at this location is the mechanical engineering for the entire ROFA product range. Due to its proximity to the manufacturing plant ROFA MÜVEK, we are able to provide optimal support for the mechanical production that takes place there.
Everything from one source – that is what the ROFA Group promises. We share our customers’ high demands for quality and, in order to be able to ensure this, we prefer to produce assemblies ourselves. A large part of these is manufactured at the production site ROFA MÜVEK Kft. in Timár (Hungary). Due to the proximity to our design office ROFA NOWA in Nyíregyháza, the optimization of designs can be promptly discussed and implemented on site by means of sample assemblies.
Eastern Europe is one of the most ambitious industrial locations, not just for the automotive cluster, but also in other sectors. In order to be able to provide our customers with optimal support on site, we founded, in 2012, the subsiduary ROFA Polska Sp. z o.o. in Rzeszów. From our location in Rzeszów, as a general contractor, we manage even the most complex projects, both inside and outside the EU, where we cooperate with the globally based subsiduaries of the ROFA Group. From planning and production, all the way to the launch of your new system, including all mechanical aspects and the appropriate control technology, you can count on our reliability and adherence to deadlines.

The demands placed on modern production facilities are becoming increasingly complex. With the establishment of ROFA Controls Romania S.R.L. (2012) we plan to meet this trend. Our experts support Group members in electromechanical construction of production systems, in final assembly of control technology and in mobile cabling systems. This enables us to offer our customers comprehensive and innovative solutions that help to achieve ambitious productivity goals.
ROFA NORTH AMERICA INC., with its headquarters in Duncan, S.C. (USA), draws on the expertise of the entire ROFA Group, as do each of our worldwide branches. The founding idea was to be able to support European automobile manufacturers locally during production. Today, from our location in Duncan, we combine European manufacturing know-how and design with an excellent local network of contractors, to be able to support many national and international manufacturers, who rely on “German engineering” to design their manufacturing processes with the highest standards of quality. We assist our customers in a highly competitive market environment with tailor-made services and their fast and reliable implementation.
Asia is considered one of the most important and fastest growing markets worldwide, especially in the mobility sector. With the competence of “German engineering”, ROFA AG has been present in China since 2005 and now has two locations, in Beijing and Chengde. Thanks to this local presence and an internationally experienced sales team, we can support our customers with the speed that is so important here. With a global procurement system and a profound knowledge of the local markets, we combine the decades-old know-how of the ROFA Group, with country-specific strengths. During production, we work very successfully with local partners to implement high-quality, sustainable solutions in the shortest possible time.
Morath Automatisierung GmbH has been your expert in automation technologies for production lines, transport systems, production facilities and special machines for more than 40 years. We are a worldwide partner, focus on the latest technologies and excel by our longtime expertise. At the center of all our actions there is you, the customer.