Marriage Stations

Fully automated/semi-automated marriage stations

Assembly frames are transported from the chassis rigging to chassis installation via the “connecting material handling technology.” This includes, for example roller conveyors, toothed chain conveyors, self-driving cars, traversal cars, eccentric lifting tables, lifting stations, swiveling tables, turntables, and transfer stations. The connecting material handling technology also serves as a buffer between the rigging section and chassis installation, varies in length according to requirement, and can extend over several intermediate levels. The chassis and drive train are coupled and uncoupled on the assembly frame and the chassis screwed in at chassis installation.

Multiple work stations are generally passed through in cycles here. Continuous production is also possible, e.g. with automated guided vehicle systems (AGV). Both worker-guided devices and automatic screwing devices with EC screwdrivers (e.g. with robots) are used for screwing in the engine compartment. For screwing below the vehicle, NC axles or robots with EC screwdrivers and firing pins are used, as well as automatic screwing devices. Other screwing can be done by worker-guided screwing devices. Operating platforms with entrance stairs and railings or platforms, along with their safety technology, allow workers unhindered and safe access to manual or semi-automated screwing points.

We’re happy to advise you on the different technical possibilities!

Engine line

  • Engine pallet (e.g. motor, transmission)
  • Screwing devices, e.g. for drive shaft
  • Floor-guided EMS or ceiling-guided with EMS
  • Crane systems with LBV for engine, transmission, generator, etc.)
  • Pre-assembly tables
  • Line equipment for lighting, compressed air supply, etc.

Rigging section

  • Assembly frame as pallet
  • Front and rear axles, engine, tank, exhaust system, battery, etc. mounted on assembly frame
  • Floor-guided system roller conveyor, chain conveyor, or EMS
  • Assorted screwing devices, e.g. front and rear axle
  • Crane systems with LBV for engine, rear axle, etc.
  • Testing and setup station
  • Camera system – placement inspection
  • Pre-assembly tables
  • Line equipment for lighting, compressed air supply, etc.

Chassis installation – marriage lines or unit installation

  • Actual marriage
  • Floor-guided system roller conveyor, chain conveyor, or EMS
  • Chassis suspended in LBV is dragged along, transported with e.g. EMS or P&F
  • Gross coupling – fine coupling
  • Automatic (via NC axles or robot technology) or manually guided screwing cycles
  • Necessary screwing
  • Worker platform
  • Uncoupling


Our sales department will inform you in detail about the perfect solution for your needs.