
First-class engineering expertise
Logo MOLL Automatisierung GMBH
MOLL Automatisierung GmbH in Leiblfing, Bavaria, is distinguished by its many years of mechanical engineering competence. Where once workshops, handicraft and agricultural businesses would come into play and depart, we now develop innovative, highly complex conveyor and automation solutions for industry, with a clear focus on the automotive sector. The synergies is where we come alive with the ROFA Group, providing convincing, customized solutions, which we are able to realize thanks to our unique machinery and associated vertical range of manufacture. With our successful contract manufacturing model, we offer our customers the option of lean production, thus saving them having to make costly investments.

MOLL in Numbers

Staff Members
> 0
Customers from various industries
> 0
Successfully realized projects 2024


  • 2022


    Construction of a parking lot for 70 vehicles incl. charcing facilities for 10 electric vehicles

  • 2019


    The 6th production hall is finished

  • 2014


    Increase in sales by 50% compared to the two prior years; expansion of premises by a 5th production hall with 2,500 sq. m of space

  • 2011


    Acquisition by the ROFA Group: MOLL Automatisierung GmbH is formed as the successor company to the insolvent MOLL Group; MOLL Automation GmbH founds its own development department

  • 2007


    Takeover of MOLL Mechanical Engineering GmbH by Austrian company EK-Fin (subsidiary of Bank Austria)

  • 2002


    Expansion of premises: Reconstruction of the hall that burnt down in 2001 and new building of a 3rd and 4th production hall with 1,000 sq. m of space each

  • 1997


    Expansion of premises: Construction of a 2nd Production hall with 2,500 sq. m of space

  • 1992


    Moll founds its own design department

  • 1991


    Construction of a new 35,000 sqm production site in the industrial park at Leiblfing

  • 1985


    Josef Moll Junior takes over the company Moll at the young age of 26

  • 1950


    Beginning of the development and construction of conveyor systems


Stefan Bauer
Managing Director of MOLL Automatisierung GmbH

„Through our powers of innovation and our deeply anchored awareness for quality, we bring movement into the world of automobile production. Exactly as we express through our motto, WE TRANSPORT THE FUTURE!“

Thomas Wittmann
Managing Director of MOLL Automatisierung GmbH

„Our values are what distinguish us: our flexibility, reliablity and ability to remain on schedule during the execution of the project. Our highly qualified, solution orientated and committed employees are what make these values, which ensure the outstanding image we have with our customers, possible.“