An MLR automated guided vehicle system (AGVS) from MLR transports unpackaged, cut paper rolls from wide transfer rollers to a roller packing line.
The Caesar series vehicle travels freely and is equipped with prismatic forks that hold the up to 3.20 meter long, three tonne rolls. Due to the different diameters of the paper rolls, the forks can be adjusted continuously in the horizontal direction. To this end, the roll diameter is measured by a specialized sensor. The vehicle also has a lift equipment that can be used to gently pick and place the rolls at floor level.
The MLR engineers also installed two roller conveyors in parallel above the prismatic forks. This allows the vehicle to transport 12 different types of pallets as well. The pallets are moved on a separate driving course by a roller conveyor to a pallet buffer with six roller conveyors.
Control of the automated guided vehicle system (AGVS) is handled by the LogOS management and control software from MLR.