Performance Competition of German Crafts – MOLL graduates among the best results

A great celebration honoured the 110 state winners in Augsburg: the young craftspeople had prevailed and made the first places in their training professions on Bavarian level in the performance competition of German Craft, qualifying for the Federal stage of the event.
Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder himself handed over their certificates at the festivity. “Commitment, willingness to work hard, and great training are paying off. Congratulations to the 100 best in Bavaria! We are proud of you! Bavaria is committed to its craft, which represents innovation and progress,” he praised them. “Master craftspeople are at the very top of our economy, just as professors are. High-tech always depends on craft, and this branch of the economy needs to be valued.”
The president of the Bayerischer Handwerkstag (BHT), Franz Xaver Peteranderl, particularly emphasised the special task for the state winners: “Crafts are modern and innovative. We offer opportunities and careers. We are the likable economic power ‘from next door’. Carry this outwards and stay true to our branch of the economy.”
Craftsmanship is assessed by a specialist jury based on work samples or the journeyman’s pieces in this four-level competition. The festive framework for the laureates, their trainers, and their families in the Kongress am Park was supported by the “Cash-n-go” acapella choir. Host Markus Othmer professionally led through the event with exuberant enthusiasm.
Organisation manager Ulrich Wagner was visibly happy with being able to have the event at all. “It was a balancing act to design a high-quality event like this under the current coronavirus rules. We did our best to honour the young state winners’ results accordingly.”

Caption: From the left: Stefan Großkopf (works council chairman), Christian Guba (department head of design), Stefan Bauer (managing director), Andreas Spitzer, Isabella Bachner (former trainees), Claudia Herrmann (HR), Thomas Wittmann (managing director), Florian Springe, and Michael Mohl (training manager, design)
The management of MOLL Automatisierung was particularly impressed by the outstanding examination results of its trainees. Thomas Wittmann: “When you hear about results like the ones achieved by Andreas Spitzer and Isabella Bachner, you’re very proud, of course, and happy about the individual awards. The team in the background, the training managers, and the colleagues, also help make such top performance come about, however. We are very happy to have created an environment for our trainees where such awards can be acquired.”
It is all the more pleasant to hear that both of them decided to stay with the company. Isabella will remain in the area of controlling and accounting, and Andreas in design. They are both already setting their eyes on the next challenges, planning to engage in extra-occupational further education in their respective fields!